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Oh I'm sorry you've had all this with the Piggies. It's hard when a vet you know and trust leaves as well. Presumably he'll be replaced though with another exotic vet? You take such good care of the piggies. Sorry it's been a stressful time. Maybe Saffron will mellow as she gets older :)
Orsa and Pasha definitely mellowed as they aged, they were quite fiery when I got them at about 14 months old 😅 I do miss them, as much as I love Saffy. So fingers crossed!

I'm not sure about the new vets exotics experience to be honest, shes apparently very smart and knows her stuff, she starts soon I think. I'll probably ask around when I'm in to see the specialist next week. But as I said, I'll find my old vet somewhere 🤣 any practice that doesn't advertise they snapped him up would be silly not to!

To top it off my boiler decided to pack up yesterday so we're having to wait until Tuesday before someone comes to look at it 🙄 not ideal but at least it isn't cold cold. I'm just concerned about the elderly and frail in the house but they seem to be coping well.
Electric heaters help at times like this!
Yeah, I had 3 of them lying around taking up room... typically yesterday morning I had friends come over to put those and some other bits up in my loft as ive been unable to do so myself 🤣 the timing couldn't have been worse. But never mind, it isnt cold with some extra bedding, it's just obvious the heating isn't on, if that makes sense. I'm sure Saffron will appreciate some extra meals of warm porridge or scrambled egg etc. To help keep her warm.
Madam has an appointment with the specialist next week, she seems to occasionally be tilting her head to one side. It could just be in my head, but better safe than sorry. I'm sure she won't be doing it on the day 😅 and I'm sure it'll be great fun getting any meds into her 🤣 I'll no doubt need all the tricks to try.
Oh dear - I hope the vet gets to the bottom of it and she doesn't bite the vet!
I hope it’s nothing to serious & the vet trip goes ok for Saffron & the vet!
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So, grumpy girl went to the vet yesterday. Luckily everyone was unscathed by the end 🤣 although she did have a good sulk.
Her right eye was watery and she's very itchy. Her lungs have a crackle to them so she is currently on co trimoxazole as its possible an URI could have spread to the inner ears causing the head tilt. It's also possible that she may be dealing with an inflammatory issue which would explain her skin, although her belly apparently was looking very good. Fingers crossed the antibiotics help although it's going to be a long week. So far she has refused to eat anything with them in, even though its a nice banana flavour! One dose accidentally got squirted onto her head directly, so.. she at least got all of that without too much stress as she washed it off 🤦‍♀️ but as its only for a week, rather than cycle through a ridiculous amount of foods trying to bribe her to eat after waking her up and annoying her.. im just scruffing and giving it to her directly to avoid prolonging the inevitable and making her upset.
Initially I hoped with the banana flavour I could just offer her the syringe like I used to do with Orsa and Pasha, but no.. she just squeaks and lunges at it, biting it. Such a daft girl.

Aw poor little Saffron. She does look a bit peaky somehow. Meaty dog food (Country Hunter beef) is the one that always worked for me to disguise baytril (presumably trimethoprim tastes just as nasty). It was recommended to me by an experienced breeder and it worked every time! Just a tiny amount. It works so well that the hamsters tend to come out demanding more and push the dish around :ROFLMAO:

But it sounds like you're nearly there now. I do hope she improves after the antibiotics.
Really sorry to hear little Saffron is so unwell, she still founds quite feisty though & that’s a good sign!
It’s going to be quite a week but I really hope the antibiotics do the trick & she’ll be feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear your little one is not well. Wishing strength to you and lovely Saffron!
Shes a little bugger is what she is!! All that time neither of the other girls bothered the industrial velcro that I used to attach the water bottles to the wall and block up the hole on the side of the duna multi cage.. not this one! She's been trying to chew it 🤣 I'm going to have to figure out a way to block it off safely. For now I've wedged a piece of cardboard over it and she's ignoring it for now.

Far too busy gathering the small amount of bunny nature dream food I've scattered.

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She will certainly keep you on your toes but she looks adorable
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How has Saffron been doing? Hope she's gotten better, wishing you guys all the best
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Shes doing good thanks! The head tilt seems to have gone and the watery eye is normal again. I've been rearranging my room so she's been hiding more than normal even for her the last few days but she came out last night to collect the food I'd scattered for her and she's definitely improved 😀 I tried lots of different foods in the end but she was having none of it, even the dog hopefully we don't have to do that again, because neither of us enjoyed that! Hopefully deep down she understands it was for her own good though 🥲
Really pleased to hear Saffron is better, she must be a lot more comfortable now so I’m sure she knows you were helping her, even if she’ll never let on!